Setting Up the Verification Environment

Install the necessary dependencies, download, build, and install the required tools.

Installing the Picker Tool from Source

Installing Dependencies

  1. cmake ( >=3.11 )

  2. gcc ( Supports C++20, at least GCC version 10, recommended 11 or higher )

  3. python3 ( >=3.8 )

  4. verilator ( ==4.218 )

  5. verible-verilog-format ( >=0.0-3428-gcfcbb82b )

  6. swig ( >=4.2.0 , for multi-language support )

Please ensure that the tools like verible-verilog-format have been added to the environment variable $PATH, so they can be called directly from the command line.

Source Code Download

git clone --depth=1
cd picker
make init

Build and Install

cd picker
# You can enable support for other languages by 
#   using `make BUILD_XSPCOMM_SWIG=python,java,scala,golang`.
# Each language requires its own development environment, 
#   which needs to be configured separately, such as `javac` for Java.
sudo -E make install

The default installation path is /usr/local, with binary files placed in /usr/local/bin and template files in /usr/local/share/picker. If you need to change the installation directory, you can pass arguments to cmake by specifying ARGS, for example: make ARGS="-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=your_install_dir" The installation will automatically install the xspcomm base library (, which is used to encapsulate the basic types of RTL modules, located at /usr/local/lib/ You may need to manually set the link directory parameters (-L) during compilation.
If support for languages such as Java is enabled, the corresponding xspcomm multi-language packages will also be installed.

picker can also be compiled into a wheel file and installed via pip

To package picker into a wheel installation package, use the following command:

make wheel # or BUILD_XSPCOMM_SWIG=python,java,scala,golang make wheel

After compilation, the wheel file will be located in the dist directory. You can then install it via pip, for example:

pip install dist/xspcomm-0.0.1-cp311-cp311-linux_x86_64.whl
pip install dist/picker-0.0.1-cp311-cp311-linux_x86_64.whl

After installation, execute the picker command to except the flow output:

XDut Generate. 
Convert DUT(*.v/*.sv) to C++ DUT libs.

Usage: ./build/bin/picker [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -v,--version                Print version
                              Print default template path
                              Print xspcomm lib and include location
                              Print xspcomm-java.jar location
                              Print xspcomm-scala.jar location
                              Print python module xspcomm location
                              Print golang module xspcomm location
  --check                     check install location and supproted languages

  export                      Export RTL Projects Sources as Software libraries such as C++/Python
  pack                        Pack UVM transaction as a UVM agent and Python class

Installation Test

picker currently has two subcommands: export and pack.

The export subcommand is used to convert RTL designs into “libraries” corresponding to other high-level programming languages, which can be driven through software.

$picker export –help

Export RTL Projects Sources as Software libraries such as C++/Python
Usage: picker export [OPTIONS] file...

  file TEXT ... REQUIRED      DUT .v/.sv source file, contain the top module

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  --fs,--filelist TEXT ...    DUT .v/.sv source files, contain the top module, split by comma.
                              Or use '*.txt' file  with one RTL file path per line to specify the file list
  --sim TEXT [verilator]      vcs or verilator as simulator, default is verilator
  --lang,--language TEXT:{python,cpp,java,scala,golang} [python]
                              Build example project, default is python, choose cpp, java or python
  --sdir,--source_dir TEXT [/home/yaozhicheng/workspace/picker/template]
                              Template Files Dir, default is ${picker_install_path}/../picker/template
  --tdir,--target_dir TEXT [./picker_out]
                              Codegen render files to target dir, default is ./picker_out
  --sname,--source_module_name TEXT ...
                              Pick the module in DUT .v file, default is the last module in the -f marked file
  --tname,--target_module_name TEXT
                              Set the module name and file name of target DUT, default is the same as source.
                              For example, -T top, will generate UTtop.cpp and UTtop.hpp with UTtop class
  --internal TEXT             Exported internal signal config file, default is empty, means no internal pin
  -F,--frequency TEXT [100MHz]
                              Set the frequency of the **only VCS** DUT, default is 100MHz, use Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz as unit
  -w,--wave_file_name TEXT    Wave file name, emtpy mean don't dump wave
  -c,--coverage               Enable coverage, default is not selected as OFF
  --cp_lib,--copy_xspcomm_lib BOOLEAN [1]
                              Copy xspcomm lib to generated DUT dir, default is true
  -V,--vflag TEXT             User defined simulator compile args, passthrough.
                              Eg: '-v -x-assign=fast -Wall --trace' || '-C vcs -cc -f filelist.f'
  -C,--cflag TEXT             User defined gcc/clang compile command, passthrough. Eg:'-O3 -std=c++17 -I./include'
  --verbose                   Verbose mode
  -e,--example                Build example project, default is OFF
  --autobuild BOOLEAN [1]     Auto build the generated project, default is true

Static Multi-Module Support:

When generating the wrapper for, picker allows specifying multiple module names and their corresponding quantities using the --sname parameter. For example, if there are modules A and B in the design files a.v and b.v respectively, and you need 2 instances of A and 3 instances of B in the generated DUT, and the combined module name is C (if not specified, the default name will be A_B). This can be achieved using the following command:

picker path/a.v,path/b.v --sname A,2,B,3 --tname C

Environment Variables:

  • DUMPVARS_OPTION: Sets the option parameter for $dumpvars. For example, DUMPVARS_OPTION="+mda" picker .... enables array waveform support in VCS.
  • SIMULATOR_FLAGS: Parameters passed to the backend simulator. Refer to the documentation of the specific backend simulator for details.
  • CFLAGS: Sets the -cflags parameter for the backend simulator.

The pack subcommand is used to convert UVM sequence_item into other languages and then communicate through TLM (currently supports Python, other languages are under development).

$picker pack –help

Pack uvm transaction as a uvm agent and python class
Usage: picker pack [OPTIONS] file...

  file TEXT ... REQUIRED      Sv source file, contain the transaction define

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -e,--example                Generate example project based on transaction, default is OFF
  -c,--force                  Force delete folder when the code has already generated by picker
  -r,--rename TEXT ...        Rename transaction name in picker generate code

Test Examples

After picker compilation, execute the following commands in the picker directory to test the examples:

bash example/Adder/ --lang cpp
bash example/Adder/ --lang python

# Default enable cpp and python
#  for other languages support:make BUILD_XSPCOMM_SWIG=python,java,scala,golang
bash example/Adder/ --lang java
bash example/Adder/ --lang scala
bash example/Adder/ --lang golang

bash example/RandomGenerator/ --lang cpp
bash example/RandomGenerator/ --lang python
bash example/RandomGenerator/ --lang java

More Documents

For guidance on chip verification with picker, please refer to: