Case 1: Adder

Demonstrates the principles and usage of the tool based on a simple adder verification. This adder is implemented using simple combinational logic.

RTL Source Code

In this case, we drive a 64-bit adder (combinational circuit) with the following source code:

// A verilog 64-bit full adder with carry in and carry out

module Adder #(
    parameter WIDTH = 64
) (
    input [WIDTH-1:0] a,
    input [WIDTH-1:0] b,
    input cin,
    output [WIDTH-1:0] sum,
    output cout

assign {cout, sum}  = a + b + cin;


This adder contains a 64-bit adder with inputs of two 64-bit numbers and a carry-in signal, outputting a 64-bit sum and a carry-out signal.

Testing Process

During the testing process, we will create a folder named Adder, containing a file called Adder.v. This file contains the above RTL source code.

Exporting RTL to Python Module

Generating Intermediate Files

Navigate to the Adder folder and execute the following command:

picker export --autobuild=false Adder.v -w Adder.fst --sname Adder --tdir picker_out_adder --lang python -e --sim verilator

This command performs the following actions:

  1. Uses Adder.v as the top file, with Adder as the top module, and generates a dynamic library using the Verilator simulator with Python as the target language.

  2. Enables waveform output, with the target waveform file as Adder.fst.

  3. Includes files for driving the example project (-e), and does not automatically compile after code generation (-autobuild=false).

  4. The final file output path is picker_out_adder.

Some command-line parameters were not used in this command, and they will be introduced in later sections. The output directory structure is as follows. Note that these are all intermediate files and cannot be used directly:

|-- Adder.v # Original RTL source code
|-- # Generated Adder_top top-level wrapper, using DPI to drive Adder module inputs and outputs
|-- Adder_top.v # Generated Adder_top top-level wrapper in Verilog, needed because Verdi does not support importing SV source code
|-- CMakeLists.txt # For invoking the simulator to compile the basic C++ class and package it into a bare DPI function binary dynamic library (
|-- Makefile # Generated Makefile for invoking CMakeLists.txt, allowing users to compile through the make command, with manual adjustment of Makefile configuration parameters, or to compile the example project
|-- cmake # Generated cmake folder for invoking different simulators to compile RTL code
|   |-- vcs.cmake
|   `-- verilator.cmake
|-- cpp # CPP example directory containing sample code
|   |-- CMakeLists.txt # For wrapping using basic data types into a directly operable class (, not just bare DPI functions
|   |-- Makefile
|   |-- cmake
|   |   |-- vcs.cmake
|   |   `-- verilator.cmake
|   |-- dut.cpp # Generated CPP UT wrapper, including calls to, and UTAdder class declaration and implementation
|   |-- dut.hpp # Header file
|   `-- example.cpp # Sample code calling UTAdder class
|-- dut_base.cpp # Base class for invoking and driving simulation results from different simulators, encapsulated into a unified class to hide all simulator-related code details
|-- dut_base.hpp
|-- filelist.f # Additional file list for multi-file projects, check the -f parameter introduction. Empty in this case
|-- mk
|   |-- # Controls Makefile when targeting C++ language, including logic for compiling example projects (-e, example)
|   `-- # Same as above, but with Python as the target language
`-- python
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- Makefile
    |-- cmake
    |   |-- vcs.cmake
    |   `-- verilator.cmake
    |-- dut.i # SWIG configuration file for exporting’s base class and function declarations to Python, enabling Python calls
    `-- # Generated Python UT wrapper, including calls to, and UTAdder class declaration and implementation, equivalent to

Building Intermediate Files

Navigate to the picker_out_adder directory and execute the make command to generate the final files.

Use the simulator invocation script defined by cmake/*.cmake to compile and related files into the dynamic library.Use the compilation script defined by CMakeLists.txt to wrap into the dynamic library through dut_base.cpp. Both outputs from steps 1 and 2 are copied to the UT_Adder directory.Generate the wrapper layer using the SWIG tool with dut_base.hpp and dut.hpp header files, and finally build a Python module in the UT_Adder directory.If the -e parameter is included, the pre-defined is placed in the parent directory of the UT_Adder directory as a sample code for calling this Python module. The final directory structure is:

|-- Adder.fst # Waveform file for testing
|-- UT_Adder
|   |-- Adder.fst.hier
|   |-- # Wrapper dynamic library generated by SWIG
|   |-- # Python module initialization file, also the library definition file
|   |-- libDPIAdder.a # Library file generated by the simulator
|   |-- # DPI dynamic library wrapper generated based on dut_base
|   `-- # Python module generated by SWIG
|   `-- xspcomm # Base library folder, no need to pay attention to this
`-- # Sample code

Setting Up Test Code

Replace the content in with the following Python test code.

from UT_Adder import *
import random

# Generate unsigned random numbers
def random_int():
    return random.randint(-(2**63), 2**63 - 1) & ((1 << 63) - 1)

# Reference model for the adder implemented in Python
def reference_adder(a, b, cin):
    sum = (a + b) & ((1 << 64) - 1)
    carry = sum < a
    sum += cin
    carry = carry or sum < cin
    return sum, 1 if carry else 0

def random_test():
    # Create DUT
    dut = DUTAdder()
    # By default, pin assignments do not write immediately but write on the next clock rising edge, which is suitable for sequential circuits. However, since the Adder is a combinational circuit, we need to write immediately
    # Therefore, the AsImmWrite() method is called to change pin assignment behavior
    # Loop test
    for i in range 114514):
        a, b, cin = random_int(), random_int(), random_int() & 1
        # DUT: Assign values to Adder circuit pins, then drive the combinational circuit (for sequential circuits or waveform viewing, use dut.Step() to drive)
        dut.a.value, dut.b.value, dut.cin.value = a, b, cin
        # Reference model: Calculate results
        ref_sum, ref_cout = reference_adder(a, b, cin)
        # Check results
        assert dut.sum.value == ref_sum, "sum mismatch: 0x{dut.sum.value:x} != 0x{ref_sum:x}"
        assert dut.cout.value == ref_cout, "cout mismatch: 0x{dut.cout.value:x} != 0x{ref_cout:x}"
        print(f"[test {i}] a=0x{a:x}, b=0x{b:x}, cin=0x{cin:x} => sum: 0x{ref_sum}, cout: 0x{ref_cout}")
    # Test complete
    print("Test Passed")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Running the Test

In the picker_out_adder directory, execute the python3 command to run the test. After the test is complete, we can see the output of the example project.

[test 114507] a=0x7adc43f36682cffe, b=0x30a718d8cf3cc3b1, cin=0x0 => sum: 0x12358823834579604399, cout: 0x0
[test 114508] a=0x3eb778d6097e3a72, b=0x1ce6af17b4e9128, cin=0x0 => sum: 0x4649372636395916186, cout: 0x0
[test 114509] a=0x42d6f3290b18d4e9, b=0x23e4926ef419b4aa, cin=0x1 => sum: 0x7402657300381600148, cout: 0x0
[test 114510] a=0x505046adecabcc, b=0x6d1d4998ed457b06, cin=0x0 => sum: 0x7885127708256118482, cout: 0x0
[test 114511] a=0x16bb10f22bd0af50, b=0x5813373e1759387, cin=0x1 => sum: 0x2034576336764682968, cout: 0x0
[test 114512] a=0xc46c9f4aa798106, b=0x4d8f52637f0417c4, cin=0x0 => sum: 0x6473392679370463434, cout: 0x0
[test 114513] a=0x3b5387ba95a7ac39, b=0x1a378f2d11b38412, cin=0x0 => sum: 0x6164045699187683403, cout: 0x0
Test Passed
Last modified February 25, 2025: refine: delet $ (361ef94)